
Showing posts from January, 2019

"Thing 14: Bitmoji Fun"

I reviewed a several articles while completing this assignment.  The topic of these articles  were mainly about how an educator can use Bitmojis as an teaching aid.  The article "Using Bitmoji in the Your Classroom" the author discusses how Bitmojis can be used to draw attention to key concepts.  Like in the place of an arrow.  Also as a way to give directions and/or elicit feedback from students.  The article "Bitmoji in the Classroom"  the author used Bitmojis to make her parent teacher contacts more entertaining.  This served as a good ice breaker with the parents of her students.  I liked that she used them to create class posters for items such as; motivational posters, rules and procedures, schedules, and behavior charts.  I like all of these ideas.  "Back To School With Bitmoji" was very informative because it gave me lots of examples of the applications and features of Bitmojis. I created an account on Bitmoji using my goo...

"Thing 7: Presentation Tools"

Doing my research for this learning activity, I reviewed four different presentation soft wares.  As I looked into to each site I discovered that most of these sites required for the user to set up an account before it can be used.  I found this to be quite inconvenient.  The site "Buncee" looked kind of complicated.  When I viewed one of the example presentations it did not show up properly oriented on the screen.  It just seemed a bit complicated for what it was offering.  The site "Beautiful A.I." had numerous templates.  The templates were a dominant feature of the software.  I felt that this tool was geared more towards businesses than the classroom.  I wouldn't personally use this tool for my purposes.  "Ludus" was a very high level software.  The graphics, animations, sound, etc, were far beyond that of the other soft wares  that I reviewed.  I don't rule out rule out ever using this but first I would need to take ...

"Thing 3: Photo Fun"

I completed the "Option 1 of this lesson.  I downloaded the picture above from the "Photos for Class" website.  I felt like this site has the best selection of math related images.  I also like this site because the credit for the photos are automatically printed on the image.  I also checked out the "Pixabay" site.  I liked the selection that it had on its illustration section, but I felt that they were too artsy for my uses.  The "Photopin" site's selection was more geared towards primary school classrooms. Even though I completed options 1 for this lesson I still read some other articles.  The article "10 Ways to use Instagram in Your Classroom"  The author discussed using the site to showcase student work.  The student of the week idea was interesting.  The author suggested a class memories  usage.  Basically using Instagram as a kind of photo diary for class trips, milestones, and school events.  I reviewed a sit...
Resources For this lesson I explored several of the resources provided me.  The first was titled " How to start blogging ".  This article discussed topics that students should be informed of before they start blogging.  Internet safety topics such as; not sharing personal info, how to be careful when posting images, not sharing passwords, don't agree to meet anyone, cyber bullying, etc.  The second article was " Why should I blog ".  This resource explained how blogging can be used to get students excited about writing.  Students find the prospect of the whole world being able to read their writing is more exciting and motivating than just knowing only the teacher will read it.  This article also covers cyber safety as well the versatility of subjects that students can blog about.  The author gives a good example of how the blogging could be used to cover a math topic.  The article " Where Students Should Blog "   provides three g...