"Thing 8: Digital Curation Tools"

     I read three articles for this lesson.  The first was "To boost higher order thinking, try curation" by Jennifer Gonzalez.  I am happy that I chose this as my first article to read because it answered two important questions I had.  "What is curation?" and "What is the main purpose is the purpose or need for it?".  She goes into detail on the three major aspects of curation which are: Understand, Analyze,and Evaluate.  This article also contains some sample projects.

     The second article was titled "Curation for digital learning".  the author talks about how there is a nation wide increase in technology in schools nation wide.  There are many more physical devices in our schools but not an increase content.  This is why he feels there is a need for curation.  He goes over the process of curation.  This was helpful because I did not know how to do it.  He also goes into the reasons why a person would do a curation.

    The the third article was titled "Content curation tools and strategies for teachers" by Monica Fuglei.  This author discusses how businesses use curation to develop and refine perceptions of their on social media.  There is also a video by "Mike Rugnetta".  He explains how google and its curation is hurting humans because no one has to remember anything anymore.  I felt like this video got a little off the topic.  But I got his point that Googles' curation of ideas is very impressive.

  I could see myself using this with my students.  Since I always encourage students to use home computers to study for class.  This is would be a valuable tool to assist them in this process.  Personally I'd probably make use of this if I had a need for it.

Wakelet Link:



  1. Good reflections on the articles you read. Sounds like they gave you a good grounding in what curation is and why it's useful. I couldn't access your wakelet collection, maybe it wasn't shared publicly?


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