"Thing 18: Student Assessment and Feedback Tools"

For this activity I chose "Kahoot" and "Quizlet Live" for my review.  I chose these two because I knew that other teachers in my building use these websites and that they could assist me in their set up and give a little information about both.  The first one I tried was "Kahoot".  It was very easy to set up and to have students to log in also.  As it started my students were already familiar with the site so this made it much easier for me.  The teacher screen was kind of confusing at first because all I could see were colored squares.  I had to familiarize myself with the student screen to get a better understanding of how the activity worked.  The students really enjoyed this activity.  I also enjoyed that it reinforced the math topic we were currently working on. 

The second website that I tried out was "Quizlet Live".  I chose the live version because I wanted it to be more of a competition.  Another teacher was nice enough to grant me access to one of her pre made activities.  I thought it was a really convenient feature that allowed teachers to share assignments like this.  This allowed the activity to focus nicely on our current lesson.  This website was also very easy to set up and get started.  I had to wait until all students in the class to log in and for their names to appear on my screen.  That caused a bit of a delay because students needed to get settled.  Another issue was that some students did not use their real names.  This caused two problems.  One was that I didn't know who was who when answering questions.  Also some of the names were inappropriate.  This will have to be monitored.  I set up groups and we were off.  The class was very engaged in this activity.  The groups worked as a team and gave a large amount of effort.  I personally think this website was my favorite.

I liked both of these websites.  I think both are perfect for a math classroom setting.  They both had the whole class very engaged.  They also both allowed me to continue to teach the lessons that we were currently covering in class.  These activities allowed me to use the laptops to break up the mundane day to day grind of classwork.  I plan on making good use of both of these websites in my class in the future.


  1. Sounds like a good use of tech to reinforce the learning and give the students a bit of a fun break during the day.


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